Our School
School History
It appears from the records available that the first Crudie School was a mud and thatch building situated somewhere near the Woods of Byth with a Mrs. Law as teacher, a daughter of a tennant crofter in the Hills of Fisherie. It was 1850 that a stone and lime school and school house was built on a site which is now part of the school playground. The school house now houses Crudie playgroup. From the Log Book it seems that the roll fluctuated between 90 to 140 and subjects such as German, Latin, Literature, Gardening, Rural Science as well as the three R’s were taught.
On April 23rd 1959, Crudie School as we now know it, was built on its present site. Headmaster at that time was Mr McNaught. Mrs Morrison joined Crudie School as Miss Reid in 1937 and left in 1976.
Now Crudie School has 2 classes and 39 children.