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Adverse Weather

In Aberdeenshire, Head Teachers decide if and when schools should close due to bad weather or another emergency. In bad weather they will decide this after receiving information about local weather conditions. This decision can be made during any time, day or night.

During bad weather some staff may not be able to get to school – so the school may have to close because there are too few teachers present. Sometimes only part of the school will be closed or only some of the pupils will be dismissed early.

You can find out if the school is open via:



Aberdeenshire Council Website


You also have the option to sign up to receive email alerts when your school(s) updates their closure status:



School Information Line

Tel: 0870 054 4999 then 021550. If you cannot get through first time, please do not put this number on redial. This will only lead to the line being busier.